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Preparing For The Lord’s Coming: A Time To Trust 

Preparing for the Lord’s Coming: A Time to Trust 

A lot of things had to take place to prepare for the birth of Jesus. First, John the Baptist had to be born. The angel Gabriel came to Zechariah, the Jewish priest, to inform him that he and Elizabeth were about to be blessed with a great son. The angel explained that his son would be the forerunner of the Messiah. He even told him his son’s name would be John. Although a dedicated priest, Zechariah could not imagine how he and his elderly wife would have a baby. He wanted Gabriel to provide proof. Doubt weakened his faith in God.

Because of his lack of faith, the angel Gabriel admonished Zechariah and made it impossible for him to speak until the baby was born. The entire time Elizabeth carried the baby, Zechariah only used sign language and writing tablets. When the baby was born, the people wanted to name the baby after the father, but Zechariah wrote down for all to see, “His name is John.” Instantly, Zechariah started speaking again.

I suppose the angel didn’t want Zechariah speaking words of doubt. Nothing must get in the way of the most important events in history. How often has God reassured you that everything will work out? Does doubt cloud your faith? Do you start talking negative? Acknowledge your feelings of doubt, and then wait patiently for God to act. Rest in the Lord. What God has in store for you will happen. It might be better to remain quiet than speak words of doubt.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).

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