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God’s Work Is Transformational

God’s Work is Transformational

There is a parable in the book of Judges about a young man named Abimelech (uh-BIHM-uh-lehk). He was one of the many sons of Gideon.

While the rest of Gideon’s sons were from his many wives, Abimelech was Gideon’s son by his concubine. Abimelech was ashamed of his mother and hated his half-brothers. His thinking became so distorted and evil he arranged for his half-brothers to be killed and then made himself king. God intervened causing the people to revolt against Abimelech. His tumultuous and stormy reign lasted a mere three years. He died when a woman threw a deadweight and crushed in his skull. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence.”

How often we find ourselves trying to be different from who God created us to be? [My friend’s mother has it altogether. My family doesn’t fit in. My hair is not right. My skin color is too dark. My lips are too big or too small. My nose is too wide.] And sometimes we harm others with words and even weapons to get what we think will make us happy and more powerful. 

Abimelech felt he had no purpose in life, so he tried to create one by killing others. When you know your mission and purpose in life, you won’t spend time finding ways to destroy others, so you can get to the top. 

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” 

~Eleanor Roosevelt

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