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Early Morning Wisdom

Early Morning Wisdom

While cleaning through some old papers, I found a letter Cecil, my darling husband wrote to me eleven years ago.  It’s like I found a million dollars.  Since Cecil’s death 3 months ago, I have been trying to find my way forward.  Reading this letter was comforting, healing, and inspiring.  Plus, it reminded me of the depth of Cecil’s spirituality and the gifts God gave to him during his earthly existence. The letter was written eleven years ago.  Except for the typing, no changes have been made to the letter.


                                                                                                                                                                                                              3:30 AM

My dearest BooBoo,

I feel honored when you come to me to talk about those things in your life of ultimate concern. It is almost 4 AM and I could not rest as I pondered in my heart our being out to dinner at Justin’s and, most of all, your sharing a vital situation concerning your job. A few moments ago your spirit spoke to me as I prayed and gave this message for you:

While the situation you face is a problem and indeed important and even urgent, yet it is not ultimate. To be sure, it really doesn’t matter who is given to you as your nurse, that is, in the ultimate sense of things.  As a matter of fact, whoever is assigned to you, your higher spirit is doing or should I say making the assignment.

You are giving too much power to those who have no power over you. Whoever, then, you assign to yourself (because you are controlling and creating your own destiny) is the right person for you. Your higher spirit is getting you ready for a greater work, a work that will require much patience and the ability to use problems as stepping stones to move to a higher level of understanding, a higher level of existence, and being.

I’m so proud of you, BooBoo, I’m proud to be your husband, your soul mate. 

Remember my darling, whatever happens is for the best, because you created it to help you become what you were meant to be from the beginning.

                                                                                  I love you,


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