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Finding Happiness (Based On An Old Folktale)

Finding Happiness (Based on an Old Folktale)

A physician begins to feel “on the job weariness.” So she decides to look for employment in a different health clinic. She seeks guidance from a wise woman. “What sort of people work here?” asked the physician.

“What were the people like in the previous clinic where you worked?” replied the wise woman, answering the question with another question. “They were inconsiderate, unfriendly, lazy, indifferent, and lacked empathy. None of them could be trusted. I’m happy to be leaving those cold-hearted people.”

“Is that so?” replies the wise woman. “Well, I’m afraid that you’ll find the same sort in this medical clinic. Disappointed, the physician trudges away with her head looking downward.

Some time later another physician, coming from the same direction, hails the wise woman, and they stop to talk. “What sort of people work in this clinic?” she asked. “What were the people like where you’ve come from?” replies the wise woman once again. “They were the best people in the world: Considerate, hard working, friendly and compassionate. I’m sorry to be leaving them.” “Fear not,” said the wise woman. “You’ll find the same sort in this medical clinic.”

To be sure, there can be excitement when one changes jobs, churches, communities etc. But, know this, unless you change your attitude and approach, new surroundings are likely to be the same

Good and evil dwells inside me. Therefore, I can be my worst enemy or my best friend. Wherever I travel, work, or live, the content of my being prepares my journey, work, or living conditions. I meet up with me in every life experience.

Frustration occurs when the negative [evil] part of me takes charge, and I am not aware of this component of my being. Being aware of “what makes me tick” is the first step necessary for a balanced “being.”

The easiest thing to do is blame the circumstances we find ourselves in; rationalize our actions or inactions, and our responses toward others. We end up frustrated. It shows up in our attitude, our spirit, or our mood.

The key is finding peace regardless of the external circumstances. What is the secret of contentment at all times?” If being content, joyful, peaceful, forgiving, and loving are personal choices, then whose decision is it to be dissatisfied, gloomy, turbulent, resentful, or unloving?

There are a variety of roads that lead to happiness: To name a few: service, meditation, quiet time, prayer, exercise, rest, nutritious eating, writing, community gatherings, clubs, churches, parties, generosity. What is your secret to contentment and happiness?

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