Get Up and Start Moving
In Chapter 5 of the Gospel of John is a story about a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. He was one among a crowd of sick people who gathered daily around a ‘pool’ known to have healing powers. However, there was a catch. Healing depended on one’s ability to be first in the ‘pool’ when the waters swirled.
Jesus learns that the paralyzed man lays around the pool day-after-day. When Jesus asks him if he wants to be made well, the man replies, “Yes, but…I have no one to help me in the pool…everyone else moves quicker and jumps in the pool before me.”
Is this gentleman physically or mentally paralyzed? My instinct leads me to believe that this is not a physical disability. First, he says, “Others move quicker and jump in before me.” One who is paralyzed is unable to use arms or legs or both. He continues, “No one was willing to help me.” If that is the case, how did he get to the pool every day? If he was physically paralyzed, someone had to help him. Why wouldn’t those who helped him get to the pool help him get in before the others?
Jesus confronts and then tells him to: “Rise, take up thy bed and walk” (John 5:8, KJV). And immediately the man gets up and starts to walk. The intervention he had with Jesus was transforming. Still, he had to generate the power from within himself to get up and walk.
Life situations are overwhelming sometimes. But excuses only justify, discourage, and cripple. Owning up to the situation empowers, liberates, and strengthens. Faith in God and faith in self changes the situation and transforms you.
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