Happy Birthday Dr. King!
Ninety-five years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born. He was a twentieth century prophet and Civil Rights leader. In my opinion, Edgar Guest’s poem, “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day” describes Dr. King. His life was a living sermon. He lived and taught nonviolence as a strategy against injustice. Dr. King preached an inclusive ‘gospel of freedom’ throughout the United States and globally.
Dr. King was a preacher, scholar, and philosopher. He demonstrated courage, compassion, dignity, humility, justice, and service to humanity. His life was always at risk for harm. Dr. King endured beatings and provocation and was jailed twenty-nine times for taking direct action against oppression and unjust laws.
One month before the Poor People’s Campaign was to begin in Washington, DC, King was assassinated. The purpose of the campaign was to lobby for an “economic bill of rights” for jobs, unemployment insurance, a fair minimum wage, and more low-income housing.
In 1983, a national holiday was established to commemorate the life work of Dr. King. This holiday is a day of service where followers of Dr. King give their time and talents in homeless shelters, prisons, hospitals, and in tutoring and mentoring programs wherever people need assistance. A Dr. King comes only once in three or four lifetimes.
Dr. King’s answer to discord, turmoil, misunderstanding, and disharmony was and still is LOVE.
“Without love, there is no reason to know anyone, for love will in the end connect us to our neighbors, our children and our hearts.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Interested in reading more of my writings: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1732039615