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Leaf Shedding Time

Leaf Shedding Time

Except for evergreens, leaves begin to fall every October until the trees are bare. It’s not just the October winds and hard rains that cause leaves to fall. Leaf shedding is a God-designed, built-in process that protects trees during cold weather. Scientists have discovered hormones that trigger the leaves to break off and shed. As this occurs, the trees reabsorb and store nutrients. At the end of this process, a layer of cells grows over the exposed areas. This process protects trees during the winter and prepares them to grow new leaves in the spring.

Similarly, God’s master creation, human beings, have multiple built-in processes to protect and keep the body working in balance. Ever wonder how we breathe, talk, walk, or dance simultaneously? And when we sleep, our bodies continue to function effortlessly.

Unlike the tree, God has given us free will to decide how we treat our bodies. Moreover, we have a God-designed healing process that works best when we make healthy lifestyle choices.  Eating vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, and whole grains is medicine for the body. More medicine for the body includes eight hours of sleep that restores hormones, regulates chemicals, and strengthens the immune system.  Aerobic and resistance exercises three to four times a week strengthen our body, mind, and soul. Each time we choose these healthy options, it’s like leaf-shedding renewal experiences throughout the year.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1 NIV)

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