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Optimal Intellectual Health

Optimal Intellectual Health

Optimal Intellectual Health is defined as the ability to think, be, and understand at the highest level possible for human beings. It is attained through unparalleled curiosity to learn, bona fide creativity, and superior reasoning skills all of which are deeply rooted in healthy self-knowledge. With this definition, IQ (intelligence quotient) is not the determining factor in attaining Optimal Intellectual Health. Rather, the main ingredient is healthy self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge ascribes your nature, history (personal, family, ancestral), physical body, character, motives, feelings, and your relationship to humankind. Either self-knowledge is a confidence builder and a path to empowerment or it generates self-doubt and self-rejection.

When self-knowledge is healthy, people learn more heartily, practice healthy living, are generous in giving to those in need, better able to manage life experiences, and have an innate respect for all people. Most importantly, self-knowledge compels one to be a servant of the Universe caring for the waters, forest, plants, animals, and people with heartfelt appreciation and adoration.

What are you passionate about? What energizes you? What brings personal fulfillment even when there is no financial reward?

What do you know about your family history? How does this knowledge help you to improve your health?

What do you know about your ancestral history? Is this knowledge liberating or confining?

What have you learned from personal life experiences? If you had the opportunity to live your life over, would you make any changes?

When the answers to these questions are liberating, then you are on the path toward Optimal Intellectual Health. It takes more of us learning to know, respect, and love ourselves and passing this love to everyone we meet. This is true liberation. Now, you are able to not only discover your unique God-given talent but also contribute it to the world.

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