Rays of Hope
“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves” – James M. Barrie
Barrie’s quote resonates deep within me. Kindness rewards the giver and the receiver. During one of my meditations, I added a different ending. His quote seemed to also say, those who bring sunshine into the lives of others are God’s rays of hope for the world.
In this topsy-turvy society, there is a need for a lot of hope. And people who give hope and sunshine are downright special. What are these people like?
When you are in the presence of one of God’s rays, you know it. Like the sun, they brighten your life, and before you know it, your clouds have dispersed. God’s rays are easy to love because their spirits are so generous. They don’t hold back when it comes to giving out light. Without saying a word, they encourage you to be a bright spot in other people’s lives.
You would never know what their life situation looks like because they don’t complain. They are like the apostle Paul who wrote a letter from jail. His letter was so inspiring it sounded like he was writing to someone in jail and not the other way around. His words were filled with rays of hope — joy, strength, godly instruction, love, and concern.
People who beam rays of hope are able to rise above difficult situations. Like Paul, their thoughts are filled with gratitude and praise to God. They are always ready to speak healing words, give a warm hug, or a material blessing effortlessly and not want anything in return. Their actions say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV).
“Be the light that helps others see.” – Anonymous
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