When Death Awakens
Everything we know about Jesus was written after he died. It was the impact of his death—the power of his death—that which happened at the cross that aroused people’s consciousness and started people to talking and writing.
The events happening at the death of Jesus demonstrate the significance of his death: Darkness covered the earth for three hours. The holy curtain in the Temple tore in two. A large earthquake occurred. The bodies of Godly men and women rose from the dead.
Even with all these occurrences, the most paramount miracle at the cross happened to the Roman soldier who nailed Jesus to the cross; the man who observed him as he died. As Jesus dismisses his spirit, the Roman soldier’s heart is changed. Suddenly, he becomes enlightened, meets Jesus face to face, and says with a loud voice, “Surely he was the Son of God” (Luke 23:47, NIV).
It didn’t matter anymore that he worked for the government that sentenced Jesus to die. No longer was it important that he was the head of the execution team. The power of Jesus’s death awakened his soul and changed his life forever.
The power Jesus has to change a life stands head and shoulders above everything else. The birth of Jesus is incredible, but it did not save. The miracles that Jesus performed are mind-blowing, but they did not save. Salvation is in the crucified Lord!
“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all day!”
~Isaac Watts
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