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Whole Life Foods

Whole Life Foods

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29 NIV)

What would happen inside our bodies if we were to regularly adhere to foods mentioned in Genesis 1:29?  Foods like vegetables, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. Based on nutritional science, our bodies would be healthier, and we’d age more healthfully. Our minds would be quicker, hearts and bodies stronger, and our moods lighter. These foods are called plant-based because they grow out of the ground. They contain healing properties—phyto-chemicals and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, keep inflammation at bay, maintain blood vessels so oxygen can flow freely, and kill off cancer cells before they multiply.  When these foods are our main source of nutrition, the heart works better, blood sugar is stabilized, with reduced risk of getting cancer, and weight loss.  

While The Standard American Diet includes some fruits and vegetables, it consists of lots of meats, processed, dairy, and sugary foods. These foods cause inflammation in blood vessels which are linked to chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Recent scientific research correlates a better prognosis from Covid-19 in persons whose diet is primarily plant-based.

From the start, most people who died or were the sickest from Covid-19 had one or more of these chronic conditions. Their weakened immune system and inflammation in blood vessels made it difficult to fight off the deadly Covid-19 virus.

Vaccines, social distancing, and face masks have helped tremendously. Why not take advantage of a plant-based diet that strengthens the immune system? The benefits may even lessen the symptoms in those persons who continue to experience discomfort from Covid after the acute phase has passed, also known as long-haul Covid.  Here is a website that provides excellent information to guide informed decision-making about nutrition.  

At the start of this article, I quoted from the Bible about plant-based nutrition. In my opinion, God already knew what our bodies needed long before the scientist confirmed the same.

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